RealChat Software 2.0

3.2. Smilies and sounds customization


Changing the default client icon set is simply a matter of editing a gif file with your favorite image editor. You can use the iconset.gif from the client /images directory as a template. You can add/edit/remove as many icons as you like, keeping this file at a size of 20xWW, where WW = number_of_icons * 20. Remeber to set a transparency mask if you plan to change the default white background of the chat client. The gif file should look like this.

Put your customized gif back in the /images directory, update the iconSet applet parameter, and reload the chat client.


If you like to change the default client sounds, you'll have to overwrite the .au in the client /sounds directory. The files are in Sun audio format.

Tip: Keep these files small to save bandwidth and load time.

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