RealChat Software 2.0

2.2. Administrative Manager

General Information

RealChat supports several levels of user permissions. You can seperate between "normal" users, temp operators, users who are room owner, operators, administrators and the server itself. Note the hierarchy - an operator, for example, can kick any "normal" user or temp operator, but can't kick an administrator, etc.

When you first join the chat, you are logged in as a "normal" user, without any permissions. To become administrator or operator use the /pass command. You have to know the administrator or operator password for this chat server.

Note: You need to edit the Password lines in the Members Area to enable the administrative manager functions.

Available Commands

/pass {password} - Become administrator or operator.
/user - Return in regular user mode.

/warn {user} - Warn user.
/freeze {user} - Prohibit user from changing rooms and chatting.
/kick {user} - Kick user out of the chat.
/ban {user} - Temporary ban user's host. ( operators, administrators )
/info {user} - Display user info including IP address. ( operators, administrators )

/broadcast {message} - Broadcast message to all users in all rooms. ( operators, administrators )
/liftbans - Lift all bans. ( operators, administrators )

/op {user} - Temporary grant/deny operator permissions. ( administrators )
/moderate - Moderate channel, see the Moderator plug-in section for details. ( administrators )

Tip: Most of the commands are also available through the user list pop-up menu.

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