![]() ![]() The JTAN Webmail page has relocated. This page will redirect automatically in most cases, but you can click on the link above if not. Or, if you want to use a mail client on your desktop or mobile phone to access your JTAN mailbox, you can use the following settings in any environment (Thunderbird, Eudora, Outlook, iPhone, Android, etc.) to connect to our servers: Incoming Server: imap.jtan.com Port: 143 (STARTTLS) Incoming Server: imap.jtan.com Port: 993 (TLS/SSL - Recommended) Outgoing Server: smtp.jtan.com Port: 587 (STARTTLS)There is more information about JTAN's secure mail services here. For detailed instructions on how to configure your favorite mail client to work with IMAP and SMTP servers, Google "how to add new account" along with your mailer's name. For example, you can Google How to add new account in Outlook for Microsoft Outlook instructions. Speaking of Google, Gmail is a fine web based mailer that can also be configured to read JTAN mail with the above information. |