Mail Anomaly ReportThis form is for reporting email problems with limited scope that require tracing an individual mail message. If you have a bigger problem (e.g. no email service at all), do not use this form, rather contact JTAN Tech Support and report the outage.On the other hand, if you observed some problem with a single email message and you'd like to report the problem to JTAN, please fill out the following form as completely as you can. Mail problems occur all the time and are difficult to debug. We have limited resources to trace out specific messages so it is essential that your report be as detailed as possible. The more details you provide, the more time we will have to investigate the problem. If this report is about a mailing list message, you do not need to put in all your list member addresses. Just the To address that the message was sent to (typically the list submission address or alias), and example failed and non-failed delivery addresses for members. *Required Fields |