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    The ProShell account gives you secure anti-spam/anti-virus e-mail, a personal web service and up to three unix shell accounts on multiple machines with a variety of operating systems and other services (e.g. Dynamic DNS) -- all for one low price. You access a ProShell account over the Internet with either a web browser or a SSH client through your existing Internet connection.


Click Here to Sign Up Online


    ProShell/DNS has all the features of the basic ProShell account, plus domain based web and email hosting service with configurable DNS and free registration of your new domain. The ProShell/DNS account links a registered yourname.com name to a powerful ProShell account. With ProShell/DNS your account can send and receive e-mail sent to anybody@yourname.com and your web page will be served under www.yourname.com.

    If you need more than what ProShell offers, for example, if you need MySQL and PHP support, step up to our ProWeb class of account which includes everything ProShell has, but is tuned and enhanced for a serious web hosting operation. Click here to learn about ProWeb.

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